Shoot Your Shot to the Universe

“To the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered”

Sarah J. Maas.

Have you ever *shooted* your shot with someone? To my people who may not understand the ebonics of ‘shoot your shot’; it’s mostly used in a romantic sense of taking a chance and asking someone out or letting a person know you have romantic feelings for them. However, I’m not just talking about letting a specific person know how you really feel about them, but if that’s your current situation, then I strongly encourage you to let him/her know how you really feel. What I’m talking about is letting the Universe know what you want and how you feel. 

What’s something you really want to do but are super afraid to make happen? What currently stands in the way of you asking/speaking about what you truly want? Can you visualize your deepest desires? Does what you want burn passionately inside you, but there’s no outlet for you to stream those passions? When it comes to shooting your shot at anything, are you fearful of rejection or have you ever been rejected when you did shoot your shot? Was your rejection met with embarrassment, shame, pain or anger? Or did you just dust yourself off and try again? 

After you answer these questions, take a moment to imagine the thing/or person you’re shooting your shot to is the Universe. Yes, if it helps, think of the Universe as a person. Imagine letting the Universe know how you really feel and what you really want. If you’re thinking to yourself I sound freaking crazy saying this, Good. Crazy in this case is necessary because sometimes you have to be bold, be wild, be free…be crazy and the amazing part of this is that the Universe rewards these kinds of people since they boldly go where others are to afraid to.

Shooting your shot to the Universe is simply having a conversation with the Universe like you would with your most trusted friend. Ironically enough, the Universe is actually our friend/ally. It certainly isn’t an enemy no matter what life appears to be on the surface or beneath it. The Universe is a listener, it’s neutral. Whatever you think of yourself and life, it supports. Whatever you want in life, it supports you. So what do you think of yourself and life on the daily basis? Is it positive or negative? Are your thoughts and feelings in congruence with each other meaning are you saying one thing, but deep inside you feel something entirely different? For  example, let’s say you really want this promotion at your current job. Consciously, you’re telling yourself you want this promotion, but subconsciously, you’re feeling like you won’t get it. That subconscious feeling is much stronger than you consciously telling yourself you want the promotion which is why there’s a 90% chance you won’t get it. So when shooting your shot to the Universe, be certain of your confidence. Be bold, be brave, be CLEAR. You don’t need to be concerned about being rejected by the Universe because it won’t reject you. Only you can reject what you want by not fully believing you’ll get it or if it’s not truly in alignment with your blueprint for life. As I stated earlier, the Universe supports what you want or don’t want. It’s neutral.

Once you have shooted your shot to the Universe, it’s now time to follow through with a strategic plan of action. Don’t think for a second that once you state your desires to the Universe it’s going to come plummeting into your life without any action on your part. Absolutely not. You must meet the Universe half way by taking practical steps to unearth the wants you stated. A personal example for me was when my license was ‘supposed’ to be suspended for 1 year and 6 months. When I tell you guys every fiber in my being was in total disagreement with this decision. I didn’t care how I sounded or looked when I said my license will be restored before the date that was given to me. Nothing opposed my thoughts and feelings when it came to my license being restored including what the law said. I also took necessary action to support my declarations I made to the Universe. And guess what, by the grace of God/the Universe my license was restored as well as other charges being dropped. I believe that was a bonus blessing for remaining true to what I desired. An extra reward to show me how supportive the Universe is especially when we support ourselves. I have so many other examples to highlight the magic and mystery of the Universe and maybe you have some as well.

Shooting your shot to the Universe does require risks to be taken, but I promise you you’ll be rewarded in the process and in the end. If there’s something you want, request it, ask for it, declare it, affirm it, activate it. Do it immediately after reading this blog and be sure that you FEEL what you’re asking for. That nothing opposes it no matter what life appears to be on the surface. Know it will come. feel that it will come, and take action!!! Believe me, the Universe will conspire with you to spring your shot into fruition. Lastly, once you shoot that shot to the Universe, be prepared to receive what you ask for. 

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