I want to spend a moment talking about the word just about 90% of western society is in search of and that’s abundance. If you are currently how I use to be then anytime you see the word “Abundance” or “Abundant” something inside you instantly spark feelings of excitement you can’t contain or you try to be modest about it but deep down inside you know you’re hooked and is very likely to buy, read or listen to anything regarding that word. I also know that If you were to ask that 90% what does abundance mean to them, I can almost guarantee that most would link abundance to money, happiness or anything else that’s material. Now, I’m not saying that abundance can’t be anything material because it can and it actually is However, it’s much much deeper than having an abundance of anything external.
First, before you read any further, what’s your textbook definition of abundance? and what does the word really mean to you? Are you like most people who associate abundance with just money and happiness or do you too feel that it is also deeper than the material aspect? My textbook definition of abundance is (an ample amount/quantity; affluence or wealth) and what it use to mean to me personally was having a lot of money and prestige. Yes, I know it’s a pretty shallow way of thinking, but thats all I really thought of whenever I heard the word and because I was operating in such a lack, limiting and scarce mindset anytime I saw the word abundance I was like a wolf or maybe more of a hyena on the hunt for “attracting” abundance. I had it completely wrong. Just recently, like literally last week as I’m listening to my healing/transformation playlist on the activation app, (wonderful app by the way) I was listening to the abundant activation and found myself not really being able to connect with the feeling of abundance because I was only thinking from an external point of view like the businesses I want to create, the money I want to make and even thinking of the future woman I desire to be so nothing was clicking internally for me. I felt like I didn’t know what it means to feel abundant because most of my life never felt abundant. Then came the discouraging feelings of hopelessness until something inside me said Muffin, you’re doing it all wrong. Stop associating abundance with only money, wealth and success especially from a future perspective and start associating it with feelings of gratitude for what I have right now and really FEELING abundant without attaching my business ideas, dollar amounts and even the Sovereign woman I’ll someday become to it; all of which is extremely important to me but when I contemplated that suggestion everything just kind of clicked for me making much more sense and helped me to really embrace and embody the FEELINGS of abundance.
I know that Feelings are an integral part in manifesting and as we know, you can lie to yourself about how you feel but you can’t lie to the Universe. I mean, I don’t even think we can truly lie to ourselves because deep down inside, we FEEL therefore we KNOW what’s really up. The whole point I’m trying to make is that to receive an abundance of anything, start focusing on the feelings of Joy and Delight, even if that means recalling an experience that made you feel so contentedly fulfilled inside such as spending time with people you really love and care about and enjoy their company, or that time you had a couple extra hundred in your bank account and you were super ecstatic about, or that time you had mind blowing sex (with the right person), or when you have a self-care day or spending time with your children. Whatever that beautiful experience is, you hold it in your mind and in your heart for a few moments then drop the experience and focus completely on that feeling. You hold that Feeling in your heart and in your mind simultaneously thinking this is what I want more of. These feelings of intense Joy and Delight. Those genuine Feelings will be amplified. Therefore by Universal Law, the things you truly desire Will be brought into fruition and you Will have abundance because you’ll realize that you are essentially Abundant already.
Abundance in this sense is just a Feeling that you can tap into whenever you feel like and the more you tap into those feelings of Joy and Delight the more you’ll attract joyful and delightful experiences and “things” that you can have an “abundance” of, It’s all up to you. Now, this is just my unorthodox way of thinking about things you don’t have to take my word on this but I still hope you do because I truly believe that once you do and you make it a habit, watch how Abundant your life become but more importantly, watch how you discover that abundance was already your inherent nature.