Is it Protection or Poison?

We believe that certain habits and patterns we have when dealing with personal life, family, friends or strangers is protection for us or to them when it’s really poison. Think about the people who believe that building up a wall around them because they were scarred from a past relationship or the parent who over protects their child because they’re paranoid that something terrible will occur or the person who was burned by love so they convince themselves that becoming emotionless will somehow save them from that experience ever happening again. While these examples on the surface seem justified, beneath that is an insidious and most of the time undetectable energy that manifests into catastrophic circumstances and situations that lead to a life of suffering for that person and the people they are connected to. To add, when you think about this from an expanded perspective, if someone is unaware of these mindsets and behaviors it can affect them in a negative way which transfers from them to the next person, and that person gives it to the next and so forth and so on resulting in poison being spread everywhere because we believe that it’s protection. 

Let’s examine the example of the parent who is extremely overprotective and overbearing of their child/ren. In the parents mind they really believe that controlling every part of the Childs life is helping them because they know best. From what they wear, to what they eat, to what schools they attend, to who they befriend, to who they date, to who they marry, to don’t have any children yet (or at all), think about your life and career first, to telling you how many kids is sufficient enough for you to have. To them they’re “protecting” their child from any harm that may come their way as a result of the child possibly making the wrong choice and decision when it comes to those matters or any outside influences negatively affecting them. Some parents “protection” has good intent behind them; however, others are fueled by their ego since they see their children as a reflection of them so whatever choices and decisions that child makes can make or break the parents image. Then we have the more casual laid back subtle controlling/nitpicking parents who just genuinely want the best for their children so they won’t say a lot but they’ll definitely say enough where you hear them and feel the energy they give off. Fact is good intentions or not, this is poisoning the child. Controlling a Childs life to the point where their entire life is crafted by the parent means that child grows up never being able to make their own decisions, unable to express themselves, lives an unauthentic life, mindless and if the controlling was suffocating enough soulless. They don’t know who the heck they are because their life is not really theirs which means they won’t be truly happy, and when you are not truly happy chances are you live a very daunting, stressful and miserable life because you don’t really know who you are and what you really want. These behaviors and mindsets of the parents is them basically bottling up poison and telling their child to drink it resulting in the child’s mind, body, soul and spirit slowly breaking down as well as their life the way real poison would. Catastrophic right? The best scenerio would be to let a child express and be who they are from the time they are able to make decisions. No one is saying not be a parent and say nothing at all even in their adult years, but balance must be pursued and practiced over a kids life. That’s healthy protection. Letting a child make mistakes and helping them to learn from it is real protection, its the antidote to your child living a full and happy life that speaks to their soul not yours. After all, you have your life so let them live theirs.

Another example is the emotionless/heartless people who are hellbent on “protecting” themselves from hurt when it’s really poisoning them or others they’re connected to. I understand not wanting to be hurt or burnt again, but if a person is that petrified of this ever happening again, it makes you think did they learn anything from that painful experience or about themselves during that time so they know what signs to look for in any future relationships as oppose to completely shutting their heart off from the highest energy there is. And this can be in regards to any type of relationship, it doesn’t matter; hiding your emotions can have adverse affects on your personal life, It can even show up in what you manifest or what you don’t/can’t manifest because being able to embody and embrace feelings and emotions are imperative to whatever’s being manifested even if that means something negative being conceived. Nobody is ever truly emotionless/heartless even if your numb to your feelings, trust me, they are still there, they always will be. But I’ll tell you what won’t be there. Opportunities for things you truly desire such as genuine and sincere people who cherish you, love and respect you and would probably do anything to make you happy in the most healthy non codependent way however. Being emotionally unavailable is exhausting. No-one wants to be left out in the freezing cold, but being able to open up emotionally, that person is not alone because you decided to use your protection to warm them up with your loving warm heart and emotions instead of poisoning them with the freezing coldness of an emotionless and heartless soul or poisoning yourself by blocking what could have been a huge blessing in your life by way of love/romance, friendship, business partners, job/career, collaboration that could take your life, career or ideas to the next level; it can show up as many different opportunities so don’t poison yourself believing you’re protecting yourself.

In conclusion, I hope you understand the gist of what I’m saying here. This stuff shows up in ways we probably would have never given much thought to because it comes to us so naturally. It’s like human instincts. So I encourage you to start fully contemplating your expressions of “protection” to really be certain that you are not blindly poisoning yourself or another. 

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