One decision huh… Sounds so simple and cliche and quite aggravating depending on where we’re at emotionally and mentally but it actually holds so much power once we fully embody and embrace the fact that we have power and control over our life, therefore we have power and control over the decisions and choices we make. It sometimes doesn’t feel that way when life’s circumstances have taken us over like a huge tidal wave causing us to feel like we’re fighting for our life placing us in survival mode which means we are now unconsciously making decisions based off of our circumstances and those prickly restrictive emotions that has made themselves at home in our beautiful minds and hearts. No bueno. When life gets a little (or a lot) of turbulence we are so convinced that we’re helpless, mindless victims, so the restrictive emotions such as anger, sadness, grief, depression etc, festers and every choice and decision we make reflects those very feelings we have in those moments which then perpetuates those emotions and cycles we find ourselves in day after day, month after month, year after year. It’s mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually draining. It even spills over to the financial aspect of life for those of us who impulsively spend when under a lot of stress. It’s also the reason why it can be so difficult to let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve us. We see this with trying to rid ourselves of addictions as well. Not utilizing our power and control over our daily decisions and choices keeps us stuck and stagnant believing there’s no way out of the murkiness of our life…Our reality. There’s no discernment when it comes to our daily choices and decisions, and sadly enough, there’s no love, no worthiness, no confidence, no hope. We are at the mercy of whatever we’re experiencing at the moment and it’s convincing us that the life we truly want and deserve is farther away than we would like (which causes anxiety and impatience) or just some fantasy in our mind that’ll never be actualized. This is when it’s time to get out of our head for a moment (stop over thinking/analyzing) the negative emotions and debilitating experience we’re in and get into our body.
Get into my body?!? WTH does that mean Trayona?
This is where we have to get a little uncomfortable, vulnerable and transparent with ourselves. For some of us, that’s nothing, but for others, that’s just not the case and it’s totally fine. You’re not alone and it’s very common for us to avoid discomfort on all levels. Getting into our body means fully FEELING every emotion and physical sensation in our body no matter how uncomfortable, difficult and frightening it is. WE MUST BOLDLY GO THERE!!!! Now, I’m not saying to wallow in the “negative emotions & experience” and slip into victim consciousness further complicating the “problem”. I’m saying to fully FEEL what’s in our body and not judge or criticize it or ourselves for that matter. Let the feelings be what they are, and what they are doesn’t even need a label (but that’s up to you), and by doing this you are giving yourself permission to embody and embrace your deep feelings no matter how unsettling they are in that moment and you are increasing your self-awareness.
So, by implementing this exercise daily, you begin to look at yourself, your life and the situation with a fresh perspective which allows you to release those restrictive emotions because now you’re aware of how they no longer serve you. You now have the space within you to make the right choices and decisions that support you and the life you truly want and deserve. Those intense negative emotions or that undesirable circumstance becomes water under the bridge. You know how to confidently and lovingly deal with all the BS since you allow your feelings to be what they are without judgement or criticism, so when it’s time to make important choices and decisions you have no problem executing because nothing is obscuring that keen self-awareness you now exude. Making healthy choices and decisions becomes easier because you have mental and emotional clarity. For example, lets say you want to lose weight; before embodying your feelings and releasing that toxic energy from your system, the choices you would make would be to continue eating food that leads to more weight gain-causing more stress and anxiety-leading to more unhealthy eating patterns causing more weight gain (notice the cycle). Also, you would make choices to lay around the house binge watching tv instead of getting up to exercise which leads to debilitating thoughts and emotions causing poor choice and decision making (another cycle). But, if you were to do the embody work and release everything that doesn’t serve you, your choices would look like eating more healthier & balanced meals, exercising instead of watching tv or being on the phone mindlessly scrolling, taking a walk or going for a run, doing yoga or pilates, meditating etc. And guess what, all of this contributes to you living and leading a healthier and happier life creating the foundation for you to make choices and decisions that lead to the life you want to live. You can do this for whatever goals you have right now.
Look, I know all of this is easier said (read) than done, but I’m telling you we must take back control of our decision and choice making. There’s an illusion that life is making the choices for us when really it’s us. We are making these impulsive choices and decisions based on our “negative” emotions and circumstances and this must cease. So, I’m encouraging you (us) to feel those feelings and release when necessary so we can have a clear mind and body and start making the essential choices and decisions that support our hopes, dreams and aspirations. Sometimes it really is the most smallest simplest ideas that lead to profound results, however, by nature us humans just make things more difficult than it has to be. My hope is that you give this a try because I am confident that it will change your life for the better helping you bring your desires into fruition.
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